CYC’s three-day Day at the Capitol (DAC) advocacy and leadership conference is held annually in Sacramento. A weekend packed with peer-to-peer learning and transformation while educating policymakers on the needs of young people experiencing foster care. Y. Day...
The document outlines the Alameda County Oral Health Strategic Plan 2019–2024 with vibrant modern design and clear graphs presenting data. Download publication.
The Annual Report was published in the fall just before Building Futures launched a social media campaign for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October all designed by Y. Day Designs. Download publication.
The Occupational Health Branch of the California Department of Public Health’s document, “Protecting Pool Workers from Chemical Injuries and Illnesses,” includes a pull out poster for employees to display in the workplace. Download the report.
Y. Day Designs has helped grassroots organizations, national non-profits, and small businesses transform their mission, objective, and goals into unique and effective web and print designs since 1998.